I was wrong about PSR-11

Submitted by Larry on 15 June 2019 - 2:43pm

Back in January 2017, the PHP Framework Interoperability Group (FIG) reviewed and passed PSR-11, the "Container Interface" specification. It was a very simplistic 2-method interface for Dependency Injection Containers, which had been worked on for some time by a small group. (This was before FIG had formal Working Groups, but "container-interop" was one of the effectively proto-Working Groups that were floating about.)

PSR-11 passed overwhelmingly, 23 to 1 out of the FIG member projects at the time. The lone holdout was Drupal, for which at the time I was the voting representative.

Two and a half years later, I will say I was wrong, and PSR-11 has been a net-win for PHP.

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