PSR-14: Example - layered caching

Submitted by Larry on 14 May 2019 - 2:18pm

So far we've looked at a number of complete, practical examples of using PSR-14 Events in various ways, both conventional and unconventional. In our final (probably) installment, I want to offer a highly unconventional but still practical use of PSR-14 that really shows off just how flexible Events can be: Layered caching.

"But wait, isn't caching the realm of PSR-6 and PSR-16?" Yes. Yes it is. But neither of those offer a built-in way to compose multiple cache backends together. It's certainly possible, but doing so is left as an exercise for the implementer. Let's use PSR-14 to get some exercise.

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PSR-14: Example - plugin registration

Submitted by Larry on 17 April 2019 - 6:08pm

In Content Management Systems and similar highly-configurable applications, a common pattern is to have a registration mechanism of some sort. That is, some part of the system asks other parts of the system "give me a list of your Things!", and then modules/extensions/plugins (whatever the system calls them) can incrementally build up that list of Things, which the caller then does something with. Those Things can be defined by the extension, or they can be defined by user-configuration and turned into a Thing definition by the module. Both are valid and useful, and can be mixed and matched.

This pattern lends itself very well to an Event system like PSR-14, and in fact the "give me a list of Things" pattern was one of the explicit use cases the Working Group considered. Today let's look at how one could easily implement such a mechanism.

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