
The GNU/Linux system and its various components, from the kernel right up to KDE and everything in between

The joys of transparency

Submitted by Larry on 11 August 2005 - 10:01pm

Lately I've been reviewing Linux-based server software for a client. I have setup a dedicated test server that I can break, and to avoid rolling my office chair around the room to get anything done (fun as that may be), I've been accessing it almost exclusively via ssh from my desktop.

Generally when I need to download a new program to test, I just wget it on the server and then do whatever it is I'm going to do. That is, until one program didn't offer an actual URL. No, to use their software, you had to use their super-cool download redirect method. Boy I hate those, even apart from the problem of not being able to just wget a file. So I had to download the file on my main desktop and then shuffle it over. Minor annoyance, and computers are supposed to be helpful, not annoying.

KDE 3.4: The Good, the Bad, and the oh so purdy

Submitted by Larry on 24 May 2005 - 10:06pm

So I finally bit the bullet and switched to KDE 3.4. Those who know me will know that I am a big fan of the KDE team's work, and every version has some compelling reason to make me upgrade. There are a couple of them this time around, although as always there's a few places that need some work.

My main desktop runs Debian Sid, the "Unstable" variant. Of course, in practice it's still fairly reliable despite the name. Things do get weird on occasion, but so far nothing show stopping. It's also reasonably up to date (usually more so than Gentoo stable but less so than Gentoo unstable, or masked, or whatever they call it), but KDE 3.4 has been delayed because Sarge, the current Testing version of Debian, is soon to go stable, and the fewer big changes there are in Debian right now the easier that will go. Fair enough, I suppose. Fortunately, the Debian-KDE team has made pre-release packages available for impatient folks like me. Thanks guys! Installation was fairly smooth, except that the kdelibs-data package wanted to overwrite a file owned by kplayer (a video player based on the mplayer engine, for those not familiar with it) and kplayer wouldn't uninstall until kdelibs-data was done installing. A quick Force Overwrite (a useful Jedi power) solved that, and I was soon staring at the new and improved KDE 3.4.