
Extrinsic sorting: A benchmark

Submitted by admin on 25 September 2022 - 10:10am

Sorting algorithms are generally old hat to most programmers. They've either analyzed them to death in class, already written many of them, or work in a language where one is provided and they don't need to think about it. Or all three.

For PHP developers, we have a suite of sorting tools available to us: sort(), usort(), ksort(), uasort(), and various other letter combinations. All use Quick Sort internally, which is generally the best performing single-threaded option. Most importantly, many of them let us provide a custom comparison function to use when determining which of two values is larger or smaller.

Benchmarking Serialization

Submitted by Larry on 21 June 2022 - 2:42pm

I was discussing recently with a TYPO3 colleague about performance, specifically caching. Both he and I are working on systems that may involve hundreds or thousands of objects that need to be cached for later use. The objects themselves are fairly small, but there's a large number of them. The data format is only internal, so we don't need anything standardized or parsable by outside systems.

PHP actually has two options for this use case: serialize()/unserialize() and var_export()/require(). But which is better?

Quick, to the benchmark mobile! The results I found were not at all what I expected.

Continue reading this post on PeakD.

Benchmarking page loading

Submitted by Larry on 16 March 2008 - 3:21pm

One of the major changes in Drupal 6 (where "major" is defined as "worthy of a mention in Dries' keynote") was a new feature of the menu and theme hooks. The newly introduced "file" and "file path" keys in those hooks' respective retun arrays. allow them to define files that get included conditionally, only when needed. In theory, that should be a big performance boost; page handlers are virtually never called except for on the page they handle, so loading all of that code on every other page is a waste of CPU cycles. Of course, there is also the added cost of the extra disk hit to load that one extra file we need. Modern operating systems should do a pretty good job of caching the file load, but that may vary with the configuration.

So just how much benefit did we get from two dozen fragile patches that were a glorified cut and paste? And is it worth doing more of it? Let's benchmark it and find out.

Benchmarking magic

Submitted by Larry on 4 November 2007 - 12:38am

The day is nearly upon us! Drupal 7 will open up developers to PHP 5 functionality when it is released next year. Already, there is talk of how, and if, to leverage PHP 5's object handling now that we don't need to deal with the weirdness of PHP 4's object model. Of course, because it's Drupal, our army of performance czars want to know just what the cost is for object handling, and especially advanced object magic like __get(), __call(), the ArrayAccess interface, and so forth.

So let's find out. :-)