
Announcing Crell/Serde 1.0.0

Submitted by Larry on 9 November 2023 - 7:39pm

I am pleased to announce that the trio of libraries I built while at TYPO3 have now reached a fully stable release. In particular, Crell/Serde is now the most robust, powerful, and performant serialization library available for PHP today!

Serde is inspired by the Rust library of the same name, and driven almost entirely by PHP Attributes, with entirely pure-function object-oriented code. It's easy to configure, easy to use, and rock solid.

Benchmarking Serialization

Submitted by Larry on 21 June 2022 - 2:42pm

I was discussing recently with a TYPO3 colleague about performance, specifically caching. Both he and I are working on systems that may involve hundreds or thousands of objects that need to be cached for later use. The objects themselves are fairly small, but there's a large number of them. The data format is only internal, so we don't need anything standardized or parsable by outside systems.

PHP actually has two options for this use case: serialize()/unserialize() and var_export()/require(). But which is better?

Quick, to the benchmark mobile! The results I found were not at all what I expected.

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