Self hosted photo albums

Submitted by Larry on 12 November 2024 - 4:22pm

I've long kept my photo backups off of Google Cloud. I've never trusted them to keep them safe, and I've never trusted them to not do something with them I didn't want. Like, say, ingest them into AI training without telling me. (Which, now, everyone is doing.) Instead, I've backed up my photos to my own Nextcloud server, manually organized them, and let them get backed up from there.

More recently, I've decided I really need a proper photo album tool to carry around "wallet photos" of family and such to show people. A few years back I started building my own application for that in Symfony 4, but I ran into some walls and eventually abandoned the effort. This time, I figured I'd see what was available on the market for self-hosted photo albums for me and my family to use.

Strap yourself in, because this is a really depressing story (with a happy ending, at least).

Property hooks in practice

Submitted by Larry on 22 October 2024 - 11:32pm

Two of the biggest features in the upcoming PHP 8.4 are property hooks and asymmetric visibility (or "aviz" for short). Ilija Tovilo and I worked on them over the course of two years, and they're finally almost here!

OK, so now what?

Rather than just reiterate what's in their respective RFCs (there are many blog posts that do that already), today I want to walk through a real-world application I'm working on as a side project, where I just converted a portion of it to use hooks and aviz. Hopefully that will give a better understanding of the practical benefits of these tools, and where there may be a rough edge or two still left.

One of the primary use cases for hooks is to not use them: They're there in case you need them, so you don't need to make boilerplate getter/setter methods "just in case." However, that's not their only use. They're also really nice when combined with interface properties, and delegation. Let's have a look.

Tukio 2.0 released - Event Dispatcher for PHP

Submitted by Larry on 14 April 2024 - 2:24pm

I've just released version 2.0 of Crell/Tukio! Available now from your favorite Tukio is a feature-complete, easy to use, robust Event Dispatcher for PHP, following PSR-14. It began life as the PSR-14 reference implementation.

Tukio 2.0 is almost a rewrite, given the amount of cleanup that was done. But the final result is a library that is vastly more robust and vastly easier to use than version 1, while still producing near-instant listener lookups.

Some of the major improvements include:

Cutting through the static

Submitted by Larry on 29 November 2023 - 4:28pm

Static methods and properties have a storied and controversial history in PHP. Some love them, some hate them, some love having something to fight about (naturally).

In practice, I find them useful in very narrow situations. They're not common, but they do exist. Today, I want to go over some guidelines on when PHP developers should, and shouldn't, use statics.

In full transparency, I will say that the views expressed here are not universal within the PHP community. They do, however, represent what I believe to be the substantial majority opinion, especially among those who are well-versed in automated testing.

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Announcing Crell/Serde 1.0.0

Submitted by Larry on 9 November 2023 - 7:39pm

I am pleased to announce that the trio of libraries I built while at TYPO3 have now reached a fully stable release. In particular, Crell/Serde is now the most robust, powerful, and performant serialization library available for PHP today!

Serde is inspired by the Rust library of the same name, and driven almost entirely by PHP Attributes, with entirely pure-function object-oriented code. It's easy to configure, easy to use, and rock solid.

Technical debt is over-used

Submitted by Larry on 22 May 2023 - 6:26pm

The term "technical debt" gets thrown around a lot. Way too much, in fact. Part of that is because it has become a euphemism for "code I don't like" or "code that predates me." While there are reasons to dislike such code (both good and bad), that's not what the term "technical debt" was invented to refer to.

So what does it mean? There's several different kinds of "problematic code," all of which come from different places.

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Using PSR-3 placeholders properly

Submitted by Larry on 26 February 2023 - 10:26am

In the last 2 years or so, I've run into a number of projects that claim to use the PSR-3 logging standard as published by the PHP Framework Interoperability Group (PHP-FIG, or just FIG). Unfortunately, it's quite clear that those responsible for the project have not understood PSR-3 and how it is intended to work. This frustrates me greatly, as PSR-3's design addresses a number of issues that these projects are not benefiting from, and it reduces interoperability between projects (which was the whole point in the first place).

Rather than just rant angrily online (fun as it is, it doesn't actually accomplish anything), many of my PHP community colleagues encouraged me to blog about using PSR-3 properly. So, here we are.

Mastobot: For your Fediverse PHP posting needs

Like much of the world I've been working to migrate off of Twitter to Mastodon and the rest of the Fediverse. Along with a new network is the need for new automation tools, and I've taken this opportunity to scratch my own itch and finally build an auto-posting bot for my own needs. And it is, of course, available as Free Software.

Announcing Mastobot! Your PHP-based Mastodon auto-poster.

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Larry 23 January 2023 - 10:13pm

Running Lando on GitHub Actions

Submitted by Larry on 30 December 2022 - 4:33pm

At the $dayjob, I am working to have us adopt Lando as a development tool. Lando is a docker-compose abstraction layer that simplifies building standard development environments, such as a bog-standard LAMP stack, and is way easier than raw docker-compose for those cases.

I also wanted to be able to generate test coverage information as part of our Pull Request process. To be clear, test coverage is not the end-all, be-all of good tests, but it is still a useful metric, and can be a useful gate if used properly. Of course, generating test coverage requires running tests; and while most tests should be unit tests that do not require any services, not all are or can be, and many frameworks don't make true unit tests as easy as they should. (cough) So that means building a full dev environment to run tests. There's various tools for that, but I wanted to use GitHub Actions.

Upgrading PHP upgrades

Submitted by Larry on 9 December 2022 - 3:50pm

PHP 8.2 was released on 8 December, to much fanfare. And, as always, to much wailing and gnashing of teeth about how the PHP language is evolving too quickly and breaking everyone's code. More specifically, it was the earlier, twin announcement that PHP 7.4 reached end-of-life on 28 November, as that has, somehow, forced everyone to suddenly rewrite their entire code base in a hurry.

And... while I sympathize with some of the complaints, I am once again left wondering "how?"

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